
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Transform 2015

Each New Year everyone (individuals and companies alike) tend to focus on some version of a New Year, New You! In fact, DoTerra has a FABULOUS New Year, New You lifestyle change/weight loss challenge that they put on. I absolutely support and advocate this and think that weight loss and a healthier version of you is spot-on for a New Years resolution. The problem I have is that I see so many people that are either discouraged before they even start because they have “failed” at this same resolution over and over or people are PUMPED to start and may even make HUGE changes but always fall back to their same old routine and lose any progress they made.

It can be argued that failure to make a lasting change is for a variety of reasons. Honestly, I probably agree with them all.  So this year I’ve decided to focus on making changes to find “Health and Beauty from the inside out”. I believe that if you change your mindset, love yourself, and believe that you deserve whatever it is that you seek; then and only then will you be able to make lasting change. I also believe that healthy and beauty on the outside is a direct reflection of what is on the inside. If you get skinny/lose weight but you are treating your body poorly by feeding it unhealthy things, covering up its calls for help and lathering it up with toxic chemicals … will only be short lived.
Join me for TRANSFORM 2015, a journey to find “Health and Beauty from the inside out” this new year. I have a full schedule for January that is jam packed with information, experience, hope, and inspiration. I will be posting daily and hosting classes. Follow along and interact for chances to win giveaways and most importantly make a LASTING CHANGE!
Love you all,

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