
Monday, January 5, 2015

Daily Success Regimen

This week I want our focus to be on Self-confidence and Self Care.

I had no idea what self-care looked like or really even what it was until I had the opportunity to work with Tiffany Walke Peterson (a life/business coach) in a Program called Success Academy. One of the very first things she had us all do was commit to a Daily Success Regimen. It was here that I learned how to start my day off being balanced, centered and grounded within myself.

Each morning she has you start off with just 5 minutes each of Spiritual, Mental and physical and then end the day with an evening review/mirror exercise. This was something that sounded absolutely bazzar to me. How could only 15 minutes change how I go about my day. What I didn't realize is that I had never set aside time to nuture ME. To literally give myself 5 minutes to stretch and LISTEN to my body, focus on the positive things in my life that I am grateful for, and listen to an Audiobook that reminds me of my goals and motivates me for the day. (our bodies often have things to tell us- like when we are getting run down, not getting enough sleep, allowing too much stress- and we don't take the time to listen until its too late and we feel horrible) I had never realized the impact these 15 minutes each morning could have.

So this is what the Morning Ritual looks like for me:
Physical :I literally ROLL out of bed and stretch (Im pregnant and sore all the time) right there on the floor. Focusing on deep breathing and clearing my mind. This is my time to just listen to my body.
Spiritual: I like to list things I am grateful for *start my day off attracting more of these things into my life. and focusing on the "family" part of my vision board ( later this week we'll talk more about creating a vision board)
Mental:  This is where I will start listening to my Audiobook that helps to keep me focused on my goals and motivates me for the day. Usually I am too engrossed that I end up listening while I get ready for work and on the drive too work. This has been a game changer for keeping me motivated.

Pretty simple right!

Here are three main things I have noticed by doing this more consistently
1. my husband and I get along better (I focus on my family part of my vision board and how grateful I am for him)
2. I find it easier to honor my self care habits like committing to 7hrs of sleep and drinking enough water (because I can tell the difference when I check in with my body daily)
3. I am MOTIVATED!! I get more done each day to accomplish my goals.

The Evening Review:
I once heard someone say that at the end of the day they like to write a TA-DA list! Basically it just helps you congratulate yourself for what you DID get done instead of what you DID NOT get done. I am always the first to beat myself up for the things I didn't do or even the things I didn't do that great. Try out Tiffanys mirror exercise and  take the time to GIVE YOURSELF SOME LOVE!

Love you all,

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