
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters!

I have always believed that our trials are placed in our lives for a reason. We are meant to learn from them, to grow from them and to help others!

Suicide is something that is very close to my heart. (if you havent read our story check out our facebook post HERE) My husband and I have had multiple conversations about how we could use our story to help others. This is something that is really hard to do with a subject as sensitive as suicide. We are scared to say the wrong thing, give the wrong advice, or offend someone. The truth is... we all have different experience, even if those include suicide/suicide attempts, each experience is completely individual. The only thing we can do is share our personal experience in hopes that it can prevent even one suicide, help one person relate or find comfort. 
In February, the Standard Examiner published an article that talked about this very topic. The article titled Suicide a 'touchy' topic- but teens say we must talk about it states that "Suicide is one of those untouchable topics that people think if you don't talk about it, it will just go away". 

Here's that facts people: Its not going away! The article states that "Every day in the Beehive State - part of the nations Suicide Belt - two young people are treated for suicide attemps".

2 Teens. Every. Single. Day. 
The article also talks about how high school students are taught one (90 minute) class on suicide and prevention where students reported some didn't even remember what they were taught. 
One student states " for myself, I know I would have probably listened more if the presenter was someone who had struggled with suicide and overcome it". 

Teens are begging for us to talk to them, provide them with resources and experiences of HOPE! 
Please don't be afraid to speak up, start a conversation that matters, and touch on these "untouchable subjects" like suicide. A life may depend on it!
With Love, 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Our new normal...embracing a life that isn't picture perfect

Our new normal...embracing a life that isn't picture perfect! 

 Nearly 2 yrs ago when my husband finished treatment , I realized AA was going to be a part of our life FOREVER and it totally overwhelmed me. We couldn't go one week without him attending one or possibly several meetings? How inconvenient?! What if we had other plans or I need his help with family stuff or we go on vacation?

What I didn't realize is we wouldn't have any of those things (family, plans, vacations) if he didn't go to meetings and continue to work his program. I also didn't realize the good that would come from this "sacrifice". I love to hear the topics of things like gratitude and humility. It always sparks Deeper conversations and inspires us to think of others.

Lucky for us this lifestyle has just become "the new normal" and it's way better than we thought possible!

I thought I was crazy when I spent my  4th wedding Anniversary in a "meeting" instead of a fancy dinner and said I was grateful to be there. And now, my husband went to a meeting the night we had our new baby and BOTH of us were beyond grateful for him to have the opportunity to go.

It's all about embracing a life that isn't picture perfect because it's WAY better than "the pictures" anyways!! We love our new normal and encourage you to be perfectly imperfect!

And yes this is us reading "Essential oils for Pregnancy, Birth and Babies" and the "The Big Book" (Alcoholics Anonymous) while waiting for my Pitocin to kick my contractions into gear. We haven't had Cable tv (even local channels) at our house for over 2 years now. So this is how we spend our limited down time. I tell people all the time about how we work on personal development DAILY in our home. It might seem crazy but here is living proof. 

Perfectly Imperfect I tell you!